Getting involved with the PTO is easy! Come to a meeting, send an email, talk to us in person. We are always looking for volunteers to help with our projects and events. Any parent, guardian or care-giver of a student at Prussing is a member of the Prussing PTO.

You don’t have to be on the board to be involved, all you have to do is help out!

If you would like to chair an event or activity* that means that you oversee the planning of the event and provide the executive board with any changes to the budget. Planning the event includes: finding and organizing volunteers, marketing the event, getting supplies for event, etc. You will have the help of members of the PTO’s executive board and PTO members in general. You will not have to go it alone.

If you would like to help out at an event*, some types of things we need help with are: selling concessions, selling tickets, setting up, taking down and cleaning up, etc.

*Please note – to volunteer in-person with CPS you must register as a Level II volunteer. (click for link!)  Once your application is approved, however, you are good to volunteer in-person with your PTO!  Help can be found with this application through CPS, or the front desk at Prussing.  Registration as a volunteer is NOT necessary to join us for a meeting though, so pop in to our next meeting, even if you have never been before.  We would love to have you!

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Quote of the week

“A mother’s love liberates.”

~ Maya Angelou

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